Friday, March 13, 2009

~in transit~

recently we were on the subject on this place called home and well... i really don't know where home is for me... i don't feel the flood of home when i'm in college or when i go home to eat my meals... nor do i feel it in retrospect. In the last three years i have shifted into three different houses while i thought i would never be able to adjust after the first move (i'd lived in my first house for more than fifteen years) i was quite comfortable with my new house but by the time i finally figured that one out we shifted again.

even in my first house i was never really home. i was at the boarding school and went directly to mumbai for my holidays and would visit "home" for a week at the max. so then where is my home? 

no space where i belong or do i belong to all of these?.. where did i leave my impression the most or which one is the closest to me?.. these questions boggle me now as i never thought of these things before. i was happy in my caravan traveling with or against the tide but now as i stop to look around i see empty spaces.

wherefore will i move on to and which new space will i leave behind. i know not. i guess i will always remain in transit until the day i decide to settle down.

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