Tuesday, April 7, 2009

today was a funny beginning... i was in an auto and we stopped at the traffic signal.. next to us stood a cycler, who seemed to have thirteen years of life behind him.. he was a slum kid by the look of it and stood at the at the very end of the road whereby spilling onto the other side. the the traffic continued spewing and suddenly my auto driver screamed at the boy to get into our side and to try not getting killed by the oncoming buses. 

the boy shifted and my auto guy calmed down..

as we neared the green light another boy of eight came n took the older boys place at the end of the road. the boy of eight seemed to belong to a middle class family.

our lane started moving and the boy of thirteen assisted and helped maneuver the boy of eight to the right where they we both headed. all this while my auto guy kept a watch to make sure they both reached the right lane safely before starting off on our journey forward..

i saw this and was amazed... humanity still throbs in our society and somewhere it is us, the have's who have lost it, not those who live by it..

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